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Appointment Cancellation policy



Your appointments is very important to Iris Esthetics, it is reserved especially for you, I understand that sometimes schedules adjustments are necessary; therefore, I respectfully request at least

48 hours notice for cancellations.


Please understand that when you forget or cancel your appointment without giving enough notice, I miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time, and clients in my waiting list miss the opportunity to receive services. All appointments are confirmed 2 days in advance (48 hours) because I know how easy it is to forget an appointment you booked months ago.  Since the services are reserved for you personally, a cancellation fee will apply.


Less than 2 days (48 hour) cancellation notice will result in a $20 cancellation fee.  The cancellation policy allows me the time to inform my standby guests of any availability. 


NO SHOWS” will be charged 100% of the deposit amount. 

If you don't show up to your appointment you will loose the deposit you paid when booking your appointment.



As a courtesy, I will send you a message to confirm your service appointments two business days prior to your appointment date. However, if I am unable to reach you, and can only leave a message, please understand that it is your responsibility to remember your appointment dates and times to avoid late arrivals, missed appointments and a cancellation fee.




Spa Etiquette and faqs


  • ARRIVAL: Please arrive at your scheduled appointment time. New clients will have a form to fill out and a consultation will be done before starting your service. This is factored in to your appointment time so that you do not have to arrive earlier. Arriving early will not guarantee your service will start before your scheduled appointment time. Please call ahead to check if your service can be started before the scheduled time.

  • SICKNESS AND ALLERGIES: If you show up for an appointment and are sick or getting over a sickness, or show signs of severe allergies, this includes but not limited to coughing, sneezing, congestion, you will be refused service and will be charged to re-book an appointment. *NOTE: it is normal that we sometimes cough to clear our throats or sneeze. Allergies are very common and can cause symptoms similar to a cold or flu. It will be at my discretion to choose to do a service if symptoms appear unusual or more severe than just normal allergies due to pollen, etc. It is not advised that someone with severe allergies to get a facial at that time, as the skin can be more reactive and sensitive to products used in treatments.

  • CELL PHONES: Please leave cell phones on silent or vibrate as to not to disturb your service or others.

  • LATE ARRIVAL: We understand that it can be difficult at times to arrive on time for appointments. Please call and let me know if you will be late. I will try my best to accommodate you; however, out of respect for other clients’ time, I cannot guarantee the full service time if you are late. I will do what I can in the time allowed.

  • GIFT CERTIFICATES: Expiration is 1 year from the purchase date.  Gift Certificates are not redeemable for cash, and are nonrefundable. Gift Certificates must be present at the time of service.

  • PAYMENTS: I accept Quick Pay, Zelle, PayPal and Cash on the day of service. 

  • GUEST: must be at least 18 years old to receive spa services. Anyone under 18 years of age, that enters the Spa facilities, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and must be attended to at all times. 

  • TREATMENT ROOM POLICY: Only the client receiving a service is allowed in the treatment room at the time of service. All other guests must wait in the salon area, there is no exceptions except for those under the age of 18 as they must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Due to Covid 19 only the client receiving a Spa service is allowed in the treatment room. Please do not bring anyone under the age of 18 with you.

  • WHEN RECEIVING SERVICES: I want you to relax, and enjoy your service. It is important that I'm able to focus on your service and skincare needs. It is preferred for you to leave your child/ minor at home, if possible. DUE TO COVID-19 WHEN RECEIVING SERVICES, we ask you to leave your child/ minor at home. This is for their safety as well as the safety of everyone in the treatment room.

  • PLEASE NOTE: that it is at my discretion to stop a service or refuse a service, if I feel unsafe, mistreated, or harassed (verbally or physically) by a client, or if the service is not appropriate for the client, depending on the clients information provided at the time of consultation, medical history, injuries, or composition.


Thank you for viewing and supporting my policies criteria.


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